Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Setting Goals- how not to fail. (with Awesome Resources!!)

Ok- here we are in May.  5 months into the year and my goals are falling apart.  I read three excellent, and reasonable blog posts recently about that very thing!  It's never too late to adjust your game plan!

First from Handmadeology (which is an awesome site that you should definitely subscribe to if you don't already!)  An article called "How to Properly Set Your Goals"
A goal should be achievable. Some people say you should set your goals high so that you achieve greater success. Instead you should set your goals realistically so that that you can achieve them. It builds confidence to meet a goal or surpass it. If it was easy, set the next one harder. If it was too hard or you missed it, set the next one easier to attain.

and Next from MeShe Designs Blog - she's doing a One Month Challenge and May 3rd's blog entry was all about using Google Calendar to set, and keep track of business goals!

Finally, also on May 3rd, Create Hype  sent out an email entitled "3 Crafty Income Streams To Add Right Now."  This morning I took one stream idea to heart and launched my own Nail Polish Ring of the Month Club! 


  1. Thanks for that nudge....am falling back this week...too much happening in the family circle.

    How have you been doing?

  2. I've been slacking in every department but creating. Tons of stock, now I just need to buckle down and sell it! I really like the making, it's the best part!
